Our Chief Editor Jake Josling sits down with up and coming metal band "Mechanized Patriot" and asks them your questions on what it's like being the new comers to such a developed genre.
Jake: Ok, I'm here with Mechanized Patriot, tell us a bit about yourselves and your past guys.
Ciaran: Hi, I'm Ciaran and I'm the lead singer of the band. Erm, I grew up in London where I got a lot of inspiration from my surroundings because I lived in quite a developed area of London where my father worked in a factory.
Chris: Erm, I'm Chris and I am the lead guitarist of the band.
Luke: Don't you have to say more than that Chris? (Laughs)
Chris: OH! (Laughs) I'm sorry, Erm, Ah, I live in Greater London and I grew up in the country on my dad's farm. I met Ciaran through a fan forum for an old band I like.
Luke: That's better (Laughs). I'm Luke and I'm the drummer for the band. I grew up near Ciaran and I remember him in school but we never really spoke until he found out that I played the drums and then we formed our first band type thing. It never really worked until we got Chris on board and changed our name to Mechanized Patriot.
Jake: Speaking of the name, Mechanized Patriot, how did you come up with that?
Ciaran: That was actually our friend's idea.
Chris: Yeah, there was this old video game that featured an enemy called the Mechanized Patriot and he spoke about it quite a lot and then we sorta made the connection and thought it'd be a good name.
Jake: Your first album is coming out next month, Do you want to just give us some information about it?
Luke: This album is just all of our demo stuff and some of our new tracks thrown in. We've been working on it for about 6 months.
Chris: This album is called Rustic Ruins, because we thought it was a cool name. It doesn't really have any significance to anything but we just liked it so we used it.
Ciaran: It'll be available on the 3rd of December!
Chris: Just in time for Christmas!
Jake: Have you got plans for a tour?
Ciaran: This is a bit of a tough question really. We haven't really got any plans for our own tour but we are tagging along on a few other peoples tours (Laughs)
Chris: We are opening for Parkway drive in January, Cancer Bats in March, We're playing on the main stage at the Download Festival in June and