Sunday, 28 October 2012

Production Log #9 (28/10/2012) - Gig Review

This is the gig review that I am using in my main article. It serves as a variation and it mixes up the article. It is also bold and it stands out amongst the black text on a white background.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Audience Qualitative Data

New Media

The new media is a brilliant way for magazines today to get a wider fanbase and to advertise for free!
For example, if a new magazine is to set up a free twitter account and use hashtags (Quick tags that allow you to view everything that is tweeted with that hashtag) involving the genre that the magazine is they will most likely get some more fans who hadn't seen the billboards or the TV ads. Also twitter being free the company behind the magazine doesn't have to spend tonnes and tonnes of money on advertising their new magazine.

For example I have set up this twitter for my metal music magazine called "Kerosene". I may have only tweeted 3 times but in one of those 3 tweets I have tagged the artist Cancer Bats and all of their fans can see that tweet of mine by viewing the Official Cancer Bats Twitter page (@CancerBats) This would be brilliant advertising for my magazine because by tagging Cancer Bats and allowing their fans to see the link to the interview with them they would most likely end up buying my magazine to read the interview.

Promotional Methods

The main ways in which I would promote my magazine would be:

Online Adverts

Online adverts will be viewed by a very very large amount of people. For example: 

Youtube Adverts:

Seen by a countless amount of people because of the high traffic that there is to every single day. This could prove to be a worthwhile investment because everyone that views the YouTube home page would see the advert for your magazine. This means that out of the 200,000,000 people on Youtube a day (Estimated) about 1/3 would see your advert (This is due to web apps like Adblock and Adstopper) and from those people you will get more website views ultimately increasing your magazine sales.

Public Adverts:

Public Transportation Adverts:

Busses are ridden nearly every day by most people therefore it would be a brilliant place to advertise a magazine  Not only would the people boarding the bus see the advert but the people that the bus travels past will be seeing it. This is how I found out about the newest James Bond film "Skyfall". This means that this method of advertising is proven and works well. 

Props & Costumes


To highlight that it is a rock magazine because guitars are very very key to a rock/ metal performance and have been used as an icon for rock for ages and ages now.


Dark clothing:
To demonstrate the darker side of metal and the key concepts of metal, being (heavy, rocky, rebellious and violent)



Sunday, 21 October 2012

Target Audience


The typical age for my audience is probably between 16 - late 20s. Its better to aim for this age group because they are the ones that will go out often and socialise with their friends meaning that we would get another form of advertisement and they would be able to pick up the magazine if they are out.

Gender Divide

My magazine will be for mainly male readers because the majority of people that listen to metal music are male. Due to the darker tone of metal music some people tend to avoid it meaning that I'd be able to tailor the magazine specifically for the people who like metal.

Social Class & Habits

My magazine will not be expensive because people don't want to be spending £5, £6, £7 on a magazine when they can just get the information on the internet. The social class I would aim for would be middle class (B1 & B2) because this means they will have enough spare money to pick up the magazine but they won't have enough spare to spend a lot on the magazine. 

Consumption Habits/How And Why They Would Consume Your Magazine

My magazine would mainly be consumed through the internet or on apps. This is because a lot of teenagers have smart phones and would prefer to use an app to view my magazine.

Typical Reader Profile

Name: John Johnson
Age: 20
Occupation: Student
Likes: Going to see live music and Going to festivals
Dislikes: Music played on stations such as Capital and Kiss
Why He Reads My magazine: He likes to discover new bands and he likes to keep up to date with the bands that he likes. Also he enjoys seeing what the bands have to say about their albums and their tours.

Production Log #8 (21/10/2012) - Double Page Poster

Today I spent the lesson on a double page poster for the band that is the main feature of my magazine. I used jagged text to make the image of the band more apparent. The text reads "Starting a worldwide riot!" this fits nicely with the image of metal and violence. The serious tone of the picture allows for the reader to gain an understanding of the serious tone of the magazine. The "Frontman" is the only one looking into the camera, this solidifies him as the most important person in the band.

Friday, 19 October 2012


Type Of Magazine

Music Magazine (Metal, Industrial Metal, Alternative Metal),



Possible Stories/Content

"Cancer Bats New Album"
"Knotfest Line-up Rumours"
"Download 2012 Reviews"
"Metallica To Break Up?"



Unique Features

App (If you get the magazine you get you get a code that allows you to read the magazine on you iPhone iPad or Andriod Phone),
Interactive Interviews (People E-Mail in the questionsd that they want to to hear and we ask them to the artist),

Marketing Method

Online adds,
Sold in supermarkets and news agents,
Facegbook group,

Target Audience

16 to Late 20

Key Images

Stylisitc images,
High quailty,

Main Features

Give aways,

Wordle: Music

Wordle: Untitled

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Existing Magazine Names

Kerrang! - the sound of a guitar being strummed violently. Kerrand has a dark tone and jagged lines to let the reader know that this magazine is to do with rough music. Also at the top of the E, the R and the exclamation mark there are parts that have been removed. This makes the magazine's masthead look more grimy and worn.
Metal Hammer - a hammer is an object used for beating nails into objects. Metal is metal music. The sharp tips to the end of the letters demonstrates the ferocity of the magazine. Also the red font connotates danger and rebellion whioch suits the music genre.

NME - when said out loud it sound like "Enemy" which is a reference to war or conflict. This symbolises violence again.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Production Log #7 (14/10/2012) - Music Magazines

Recently I've been wondering which Magazine to get my ideas from. Obviously I will use more than one. I'm just wondering which of these would directly apply to my magazine.

Firstly I looked at Metal Hammer:

Metal hammer tends to look at the darker side of Rock and Metal. Using bold blacks and reds as their mastheads.

The jagged and seemingly random placement of the subtexts further reinforce the darker and more rebellious side of metal.

I then looked at Kerrang!:

Kerrang uses straight and well aligned fonts and placements. This could be a good feature to use.

Interviews to Mimic

These are a few interviews that I have found that I might want to mimic or incorporate in my magazine:

I have chosen these interviews specifically because they are more casul and relaxed than other interviews. This is how I want to write my interview. Also the fact that the artists talk about things other than their music (Side projects, Family life, Merchandise and Sponsorships) My interviews will feature the whole band at once so it feels more like a free flowing conversation rather than a question and answer interview.
This will make my interview stand out more because it will be more fun to read. You would be able to gain more of an understanding of how the musician is as a person

Friday, 5 October 2012

Codes and Conventions

Rock/ Metal Magazine

Genre: Metalcore, Industrial Metal, Alternatvie Metal.

Musicians that could be featured:

Full Discography : Parkway Drive

Free Gifts: Posters, Eps and Demo CDs also CDs containing our "staffs" favourite songs.



Gigs listings including where to buy the tickets and how much they cost. Making sure to include festivals and line ups for festivals.

Interviews with artists

Slipknot's Chris Fehn

Lists: I will be including lists in my magazine. Such as:
What to bring to  festival,
Top 10 music videos,
Top 10 albums,
Top 10 Undiscovered bands,
The song of the week.